This first planting event is just the beginning.
Working to engage all Canadians, the Network of Nature is a national movement to restore native plant biodiversity using balconies, backyards, and boulevards across Canada. In addition, the Network of Nature will coordinate numerous other planting activities in cities across the country, giving Canadians the opportunity to participate actively in critical restoration work. The program will also provide tools to individual Canadians to help them at home.
“We’re thrilled to be the first of many partners to provide a site for the Network of Nature. We’re committed to enhancing our existing green spaces, turning them into healthy, productive habitat for the local and migratory species that depend on them. Our mission is to connect people, animals and conservation science to fight extinction, and being part of this event is a great example of our commitment to our community. I encourage every other Canadian to provide what land they can to help grow the Network of Nature.” Dolf DeJong, CEO, Toronto Zoo
In consultation with an Indigenous and Western science expert committee, the Network of Nature will also complete the first comprehensive Canadian collection of knowledge on native plants and trees in Canada. This tool will help individual Canadians, developers, corporate property managers and landscape architects select and source appropriate native plants, seeds and trees locally. The Network of Nature native plant species database is now available at and will continue to be enhanced over time.
“We are honoured to be recognized as one of the founding partners of the Network of Nature. Planting the right plant in the right place is a simple act that can scale to have tremendous benefits for biodiversity. That’s why we’ve built a free, public, native plant database – to connect people to plants and help anyone identify locally appropriate native plant species for restoration, gardening, or landscape design. In transitioning to the Network of Nature, we are committed to continuing to develop the most comprehensive and accessible knowledge base of plants native to Canada. This partnership will greatly expand our ability to reach Canadians and empower them to select and source locally appropriate native plants, seeds and trees for any planting project.” Steven Hill, Ph.D., Principal Ecologist, Dougan & Associates
The loss of biodiversity is one of the largest environmental crises of our time – but there is much we can do. Underpinned by the large reach of Canadian Geographic readership and the active Canadian Geographic Education network, The Network of Nature initiative will create and disseminate important learning tools related to teaching Canadians of all ages about the biodiversity crisis and nature-based climate solutions, inspiring them to take action, in their own yards, balconies and communities.
By partnering with communities, municipalities, educators, corporations, and citizens to enhance urban greenspaces and naturalize developed areas, we can begin to repair and rebuild Canada’s native landscape.
"We believe we have an obligation to future generations to take care of our planet - and it starts with our actions today. Through the TD Ready Commitment, the Bank's corporate citizenship strategy, we're committed to helping open doors to a more inclusive and sustainable future. That’s why we’re continuing to exercise our green leadership by supporting initiatives focused on preserving nature and increasing access to green spaces for all to enjoy." Carolyn Scotchmer, Executive Director, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Rallying Canadians in every province and territory, the Network of Nature will help support the restoration of soil productivity and water resources, preserve biodiversity, strengthen habitats and help mitigate the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thereby improving the environment for future generations.