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Your Support Matters!

As a not-for-profit organization, the revenues from all Zoo visits, including school field trips, directly support conservation efforts to help save vulnerable wildlife. The ongoing support of educators helps to ensure that these critical conservation efforts can continue and connects future generations to nature and the environment.

  • 1 teacher per class receives FREE admission
    Kindergarten: 1 teacher + 1 ECE per class receive FREE admission
    Supervisor RATIOS*
    Licensed Child Care Centre & Gr. K-3: 1:5
    Gr. 4-8: 1:10
    Secondary: 1:20



    Admission - Licensed Child Care Centre

    ($8.85 + $1.15 HST)
    **conditions apply
    ($8.85 + $1.15 HST)
    **conditions apply

    Admission - Elementary (K-8)

    ($8.85 + $1.15 HST)
    ($8.85 + $1.15 HST)

    Admission - Secondary (9-12)

    ($9.73 + $1.27 HST)
    ($9.73 + $1.27 HST)

    Admission - Post-Secondary

    ($10.62 + $1.38 HST)
    ($10.62 + $1.38 HST)

    (HST is included in all rates - HST#119216398)
    * Please note: In order to ensure a safe and enjoyable visit, we require that groups maintain the supervisor to student ratios for the duration of their visit. In the event that your group does not meet these requirements, you will be charged in accordance with the minimum supervisor ratio.
    * During July and August, school visit rates are only valid for educational institutions on a modified school year.
    * All rates are subject to change without notice.
    ** Child Care Centres must be licensed with the Ontario Ministry of Education. Valid on professional activity or professional development days during the school year (excluding school holidays). On school holidays, licensed child care centres will receive 25% off regular admission rates. Minimum of 20 students required per booking.

  • 1 teacher per class receives FREE admission
    Kindergarten: 1 teacher + 1 ECE per class receive FREE admission
    Supervisor RATIOS*
    Licensed Child Care Centre & Gr. K-3: 1:5
    Gr. 4-8: 1:10
    Secondary: 1:20



    Admission - Licensed Child Care Centre

    ($9.29 + tax)
    **conditions apply
    ($9.29 + tax)
    **conditions apply

    Admission - Elementary (K-8)

    ($9.29 + tax)
    ($9.29 + tax)

    Admission - Secondary (9-12)

    ($10.18 + tax)
    ($10.18 + tax)

    Admission - Post-Secondary

    ($11.06 + tax)
    ($11.06 + tax)

    (HST is included in all rates - HST#119216398)
    * Please note: In order to ensure a safe and enjoyable visit, we require that groups maintain the supervisor to student ratios for the duration of their visit. In the event that your group does not meet these requirements, you will be charged in accordance with the minimum supervisor ratio.
    * During July and August, school visit rates are only valid for educational institutions on a modified school year.
    * All rates are subject to change without notice.
    ** Child Care Centres must be licensed with the Ontario Ministry of Education. Valid on professional activity or professional development days during the school year (excluding school holidays). On school holidays, licensed child care centres will receive 25% off regular admission rates. Minimum of 20 students required per booking.

  • Thinking of bringing your class to the Zoo, but worried about the weather? The Toronto Zoo offers a variety of indoor spaces that offer protection from the elements, while boasting unique and amazing animals and plants for you and your students to learn about. The winter months are also a great time to see polar bears, Arctic wolves, and many more in their snowy element!

  • Toronto Zoo memberships will be honoured for students and supervisors to cover the cost of admission. Please present originals/photocopies of all memberships to Guest Relations at the time of payment.

  • ACCESSIBILITY- Students with Special Needs & Support Persons
  • Please click here to learn more about the many features that make the Toronto Zoo accessible for all students. Support persons who are providing one-on-one support to students with special needs for health and/or safety reasons receive complimentary admission. Support persons should not be included in the Supervisor Ratio, as their attention is focused on an individual student.

  • Personal Vehicle   $15.00
    School Bus             Free

    *All rates subject to change without notice

  • School groups receive a 50% discount off picnic site rentals during the school year*. For more information about the available picnic sites, what a picnic site rental includes, and how to book a private picnic site for your group, please visit Host Your Event or contact Toronto Zoo - Group Events at [email protected] or 416-392-5940.
    *Offer valid only for school groups booked Monday to Friday (10:00 am - 2:00 pm) during the school year. Subject to availability. Subject to change without notice.

    • Prices are subject to change without notice.
    • School visit admission rates are available for groups from schools registered with a provincial Ministry of Education or Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, in addition to other education facilities, for the sole purpose of meeting learning requirements outlined in a course curriculum.
    • During July and August, school visit admission rates are only valid for educational institutions on a modified school year.
    • The Toronto Zoo will accommodate changes in the number of students and supervisors on the day of the visit.
    • The supervisor to student ratio is strictly enforced for the safety of our student guests and the enjoyment of our public patrons. All supervisors must be at least 18 years of age. The role of the Supervisor role is to ensure the safety of all students and in doing so, the Supervisor is ensuring that all Zoo patrons enjoy their visit. The Supervisor must encourage appropriate behaviour from each student and demonstrate respect for the plants and animals. Please remember to stay with your group at all times. Any display of inappropriate behaviour will be grounds for removal from the Zoo site.
    • Consumer Image and Guest Awareness: Please note, this policy does not apply to any school or organized youth groups. During your visit, you may be filmed, taped, or photographed by or on behalf of the Toronto Zoo. Your admission to the Zoo serves as your permission to use, record, reproduce, broadcast, sell, and distribute all for any purpose any photographs, video, digital, audio, or other recordings of you that may be made at the Toronto Zoo during your visit. The commercial use of photographs, video, and film images of the Toronto Zoo, its animal collection, staff, and volunteers, is strictly prohibited without the full written consent of the Zoo.
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