
Turtle Crossing Signs

We have provided Mohawk and Ojibway Turtle Crossing signs to First Nations communities to mitigate traffic threats against Species at Risk turtles.  Anishinaabe artist, Peggy Pitawanakwat from Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve, donated the image which was used for the Ojibway sign (right) and the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force, and the Turtle Island Conservation team collaborated to create the Mohawk sign (left).

Mohawk Identifier Guides - Ontario

Ojibway Identifier Guides - Ontario

Ojibway Double Vowel Writing System

Ojibway Phonetic Writing System

Curriculum-based Educational Bundle

Educational Bundle Overview

Grade Expectations Outlines for Teachers / Achievement Charts and Survey:
Grade 1 Expectations with subject & strand
Grade 2 Expectations with subject & strand
Grade 3 Expectations with subject & strand
Grade 4 Expectations with subject & strand
Grade 5 Expectations with subject & strand
Grade 6 Expectations with subject & strand
Native Language Curriculum-based Activities & Achievement Charts
Teacher survey 

Community Feedback
Turtle Island Conservation Community Feedback

Our CD's

Ontario Frog and Toad Calls
(now available in Mohawk & Ojibway)

For more information, please contact the Programme Coordinator at [email protected], or 416-393-6362
Mohawk-CD     Mohawk-CD