Report your sighting!Spiny Softshell Turtle

- Male: 12.15-23.5cm; female 18-43.2cm
- Carapace is flat and olive-grey to brown; yellow border edged in black around margin of carapace
- Males and juvenile turtles have large yellow spots outlined on black; females have brownish blotches
- Small tubercles or spines on edge of shell above neck
- Carapace in males is covered with tiny spines (like sand-paper); smooth in females
- Plastron is yellowish-white
- Two dark bordered, light yellow lines on each side of head
- Very long neck; tubular "pig-like" snout
- Legs streaked with yellow; feet are webbed
- Often buries in sand or mud while hiding from danger or waiting for prey
- Lays 12-18 round, white, hard-shelled eggs
- Report sightings of this turtle to Toronto Zoo