Purchasable Resources

Turtle and Snake Crossing Signs

Adopt-A-Pond has provided Turtle and Snake Crossing signs to many communities throughout Ontario to mitigate traffic threats against Species at Risk turtles and Snakes. There may be no bigger threat to reptiles in Ontario than that of busy roads and highways. Countless turtles and snakes are run over by cars and killed each year on Ontario’s roads. All of Ontario’s eight turtle species are at risk, and many that are killed are females travelling to nesting areas. The loss of females is especially devastating to populations. If you live in an area with high reptile road mortality, you may be interested in a road awareness sign!

How do I “sign up”?

  • Identify a road mortality hotspot. Take photos and notes of the area and mortalities/injuries that you see. Get neighbours involved in watching for turtles and snakes on the road. Report your turtle sightings to Ontario Turtle Tally.
  • Obtain approval from the municipality or road authority where the sign will be installed and meet their sign location and installation specifications. Contact your local road authority in writing with your request.
  • OR, demonstrate that you will be installing the sign on private property adjacent to a road mortality hotspot.
  • Contact Adopt-A-Pond at [email protected]

ID Guides

(most available in English and French) (Mohawk and Ojibway available through TIC)

Turtles of Ontario
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Snakes of Ontario
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Ontario’s Only Lizard
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Ontario Reptile Eggs
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Amphibians of Ontario
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Ontario Amphibian Eggs
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Larval Amphibians of Ontario
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Waterproof Fold-Out ID Guide: Reptiles and Amphibians of Ontario

Hard copies of these waterproof guides are available upon request.
Request a Hard Copy Here

Ontario Frog and Toad Calls USB stick (English)
This USB stick contains the calls of all Ontario frog and toad species, as well as calls that can easily be confused with our frogs and toads. Although all calls are available on our website in each species profile, this can be used when you do not have access to the website. Learning your calls will help you report to our FrogWatch Ontario Program.

Hard copies of this USB stick are available upon request.
Request a Hard Copy Here

You can also listen to the calls of our Ontario species online, just visit our Species Guides page for Frogs and Toads and click on the species you are interested in.


Turtles of Ontario- A Stewardship Guide

Turtles of Ontario- A Stewardship Guide provides in depth information on each of our Ontario turtle species and how we can support their survival by being good land stewards. It helps with identifying turtles and their habitat throughout Ontario. You can also get an idea of stewardship projects that people are undertaking to help turtles, and some tips to get your own projects started. This guide is more extensive than our smaller "Turtles on your Property" guide.

Due to the size of this booklet it is not available for download.
Request a Hard Copy Here

The Eastern Massassauga Rattlesnake Stewardship Guide

This booklet was created for those who live, work, visit, cottage or camp within the range of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Ontario's only venomous snake! It is designed to help people increase their knowledge about this threatened Ontario snake, and to make the public comfortable living in its environment. It will not only help you to live safely with this snake but also be a good land steward that understands the recovery of this rare species.

Due to the size of this booklet it is not available for download.
Request a Hard Copy Here


Ontario Turtle Tally brochure

Are you interested in more information about Ontario Turtle Tally? Do you want help to share this program with friends? Our Ontario Turtle Tally brochures feature full colour illustrations of all Ontario turtle species on one side and a brief overview of the program on the other. They are informative and fun hand outs for events where people have an interest in the natural world.

Click here or on the above image for a PDF of the brochure.
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FrogWatch brochure

Are you interested in more information about FrogWatch Ontario? Do you want help to share this program with friends? Our FrogWatch Ontario brochures feature full colour illustrations of all Ontario frog and toad species on one side and a brief overview of the program on the other. They are informative and fun hand outs for events where people have an interest in the natural world.

Click here or on the above image for a PDF of the brochure.
Request a Hard Copy Here