Six-year-old Macro arrived to the Toronto Zoo in March 2023 after being found as an illegal pet. When he arrived at the Zoo, he was 30.8kg, over three times the weight of a typical male raccoon.
Due to his weight, he spent virtually all his time stationary as walking was a major challenge, and when he was motivated to move he would need to stop and rest after every few steps.

Upon Macro's arrival in quarantine, the Wildlife Health Centre Keeper team worked closely with Wildlife Nutrition to develop a weight loss plan, targeting a 5% decrease in body weight every week. Based on the limited information we received (and based on his body condition), he had spent years eating an inappropriate diet.
Adjusting to our diet at the Toronto Zoo took some time: with his lack of mobility, keepers spent the first several months spoon-feeding him to ensure he was consuming appropriate calories and nutrition.
Keepers weighed Macro twice per week by lifting his crate onto a scale (he was so big that two Keepers were needed) – this allowed for rapid assessment and adjustment of his diet to keep his weight loss on track.

As Macro's weight slowly dropped, we saw an increase in his mobility, his willingness to exercise, and his interest in enrichment. By increasing the challenges we provided to him, keepers were able to raise his metabolism such that his continued weight decline over the summer was due to an increase in calories burned (without any further dietary adjustments). Most positively, he began venturing into his outside yard in the hospital and climbing onto the scale voluntarily.
In September 2023, Macro hit a tremendous milestone: he had lost 1/3 (=10 kg) of his arrival body weight and was considered fit enough to leave the hospital! The Canadian Domain Keeper Team then stepped in and created an introduction plan for him to live with Micro in the raccoon habitat.
Six months after his arrival to the Zoo, Macro finally moved to the Canadian Domain and was quickly integrated into a more natural habitat with what we believe is his first raccoon companion.

"Macro's slow progress from a grossly overweight, immobile raccoon to an engaged, socially enriched individual living in a more natural setting is a huge Welfare Win for 2023!" With special thanks and kudos to the WHC Keeper team, Domain Keeper team, and Wildlife Nutrition department.