Frogs and Toads

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Wood Frog

Lithobates sylvatica
  • 3.5 cm frog
  • brown, tan or copper in color.
  • A triangular black face mask on each side of its head
  • There is a white line on the upper jaw
  • Usually found in Woodlands.
  • Ponds must have emergent vegetation such as willows, sedges or winter-killed cattails to which the eggs can be attached.
  • The wood frog is the only North American amphibian found north of the Arctic Circle.
  • The wood frog is our earliest spring breeder. Males, with their duck-like quacking, can be heard in the last week of March and the first week of April.
  • Eggs hatch in 1-2 weeks, and tadpoles generally transform into adults in sixty days.
  • Young frogs feed on mosquitoes, beetles, spiders, and flies.
  • The wood frog is sometimes found in abundance in woodlands throughout Ontario.
  • In urban areas, the thinning of woodlots, filling of ponds and lowering of water tables have reduced populations to a few widely separated sites.
Wood frog

Description of call: A rolling, duck-like "quacking" call.

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