Frogs and Toads
Report your sighting!Spring Peeper

- The spring peeper is a small 2-3cm frog
- Brown to tan color
- Dark band between eyes
- Dark cross-shaped mark on the back
- Small toe disks
- Spring peepers are found in temporary woodland pools formed by rain and melting snow in early spring.
- They are usually encountered in spring as they move to and from woodland breeding ponds.
- Outside the breeding season they forage in woodlands or amongst shrubs and marshes bordering woodlands.
- In March, April and May, large choruses of their "peep... peep... peep..." calls are heard from woodland pools. Males may also call in September or October on rainy nights.
- Where urbanization is occurring, the chorus frog seems to be displacing the spring peeper. Chorus frogs thrive in more exposed sites than do spring peepers; perhaps the loss of woodlots and lowering of water tables in urban areas have created conditions that favour the chorus frog.

Description of call: A series of short "peeps".
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