Frogs and Toads
Report your sighting!Pickerel Frog

- A medium-sized 4-7 cm frog
- Cream to brown color
- Two rows of squarish brown spots running down the back between the dorsolateral folds.
- The groin and thighs are washed with yellowish-orange.
- The weak call of the male Pickerel Frog sounds like someone snoring in the distance.
- The males usually call in May, and eggs are laid and attached to submerged vegetation.
- The adult pickerel frog is most often seen along the edges of streams or flooded ditches.
- This species is not widespread in Ontario. However, its similarity to the leopard frog makes identification difficult for the casual observer.

Description of call: Far-off snoring sound.
Use this link to download the sound file if your browser does not support embedded files.