Frogs and Toads
Report your sighting!Mink Frog

- A medium-sized 5-7 cm frog
- Dark olive green to grey in colour darker circular reticulations scattered over the back.
- The mouth is bright green
- The dorsolateral ridge does not extend the length of the back.
- They leave a musky odour when handled
- No cross bands on legs.
- The mink frog is found in weed-choked, sluggish rivers, along marshy shorelines, and in swamps and bogs.
- It is most often found in Central Ontario.
- Calls are heard in June and July, sounding from a distance like the staccato sound of someone hammering.
- Eggs are laid in loose clusters and are attached to submerged vegetation.
- Tadpoles spend the winter in the water, and transform in June or July of the following year.
- Mink frogs are opportunistic feeders and they will feed amongst floating plants some distance from the shore.

Description of call: The sound of someone hammering in the distance, or the hooves of a galloping horse.
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