Frogs and Toads

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Leopard Frog

Lithobates pipiens
  • medium-sized 5-9 cm frog
  • Green to light brown in colour
  • Dark brown or black roundish spots, outlined in yellow, scattered on back and side.
  • White line on upper lip is usually quite noticeable.
  • The Leopard Frog is found in lakes, grassy ponds, marshes and wet meadows.
  • The call of the Leopard Frog is sometimes compared to the sound of wet hands rubbing across a wet balloon.
  • Females arrive at the breeding ponds approximately one week after the males start calling.
  • Eggs are laid a week later and are attached to submerged vegetation or are occasionally laid on the bottom of the pond.
  • After hatching, the tadpoles take between 10 to 13 weeks to transform into froglets. By September the froglets have doubled in weight and are about 5 cm long.
  • They will hibernate in deep pools for the winter, and can sometimes be seen on the surface mud under the water.
Leopard frog

Description of call: A series of chortles and chuckles, followed by wet hands rubbing a balloon, or a long snore followed by a chuckling call; "chuck, chuck, chuck"

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