Frogs and Toads
Report your sighting!Fowlers Toad

- Usually has 3-4 warts in each brownish blotch on their backs.
- The bony ridges behind the eyes actually touch the front edge of the paratoid gland (the large kidney shape mark behind eye).
- Fowler's Toad is found in lakeside marshes and ponds along the north shore of Lake Erie. They forage in the litter along beaches and in wooded areas farther inland.
- Male Fowler's toads begin to call as the water in the ponds begins to warm in May or June. The call is described as a short trill.
- The tadpoles are black and they develop very quickly.
- Adult toads hibernate under sand on raised beaches.
- Because of its rarity, this species is almost never encountered.
- Unfortunately, this toad is found on those beaches that receive some of the
most intensive use by vacationers. - ENDANGERED

Description of call: Calls with a nasal, sheep-like "waaaaa"
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