Lunch and Snacks

Campers are active throughout the day while they are at the Zoo. Please ensure that your camper brings a healthy nutritious lunch with a drink and snacks to nourish them throughout the day. Water bottle filling stations are available.

Thursday is Pizza Pizza day at Zoo Camp! Children in all groups will be treated to a Pizza Pizza lunch each Thursday.

We are an allergen aware camp and do NOT allow products containing nuts/traces of nuts due to the severe allergies of some of our campers. We ask that food and beverage labels be read carefully to avoid sending any of these items. All homemade items must include an applicable ingredient list.

Nut-Free Lunch
Nuts and nut-related products, including those that may contain traces of nuts, are not permitted at camp. Please send store bought goods in original packaging or with a copy of the ingredients list so that we may verify any questionable products. Please send homemade baked goods with an ingredient list so that we may verify that items do not contain nuts or traces of nuts.

Sending Food Items/Birthdays/Celebrations at Zoo Camp

Please do not send any food items to share with your child’s camp group or counsellors. If you wish to recognize your child’s birthday or other special occasion, please share this information with your child’s camp counsellor.

Litterless lunch

Why litterless?

To ensure your packed lunch produces minimal waste for the landfill, there are two key things to consider - what you pack and what you pack it in.

Here are 11 suggestions to keep in mind when packing a lunch to help minimize waste.

  • Use a re-useable lunchbox or bag.
  • Replace disposables with reuseables.
  • Use reusable or bamboo utensils.
  • Pack food in reusable containers: BPA free plastic containers are available and can be washed and reused over and over again.
  • Use cloth napkins instead of paper.
  • Use stainless steel water bottle for cold drinks or a thermos for hot drinks.
  • Avoid individually wrapped snacks; buy bulk instead of pre-packaged snacks. Place snacks in reusable containers to avoid wasteful individualized plastic packaging. Pack lunch and snack portions that your children will eat to avoid waste.
  • Pack "green" foods such as fruits and vegetables in season.
  • Avoid processed and pre-packaged foods. Use a stainless steel thermos and pack leftovers from dinner the night before for lunch the next day. Casseroles, soups, pastas, macaroni and cheese, wraps are great alternatives to the brown bag sandwich.
Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot to ensure they remain safe for consumption and are eaten rather than thrown away. Non-toxic ice packs, freezable lunch cooler bags and stainless steel thermal food containers are some options.

General Information

How to Register

Camper Checklist

Travelling to and from Zoo Camp

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Before/After Care

Camp Programming & Special Days

Lunch and Snacks

Health & Safety
