Frogs and Toads

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Green Frog

Lithobates clamitans
  • A relatively large 6-9 cm frog.
  • Greenish with dark brown spots over the back.
  • Bright green area above the upper lip is usually visible as are black bands across the hind legs.
  • The green frog can be distinguished from the bullfrog by looking for the ridges running down each side of the green frog's back.
  • Male green frogs have yellow throats, particularly during breeding season.
  • Green frogs tolerate a wide range of habitats and may be found in any permanent supply of water. It typically prefers rich, weedy, warm ponds and lakes, slow-moving rivers, farm ponds and shallow marshes.
  • They emerge from hibernation in early April, but do not begin to call or breed until June or July.
  • The male's call can be compared to the "twang" of a single banjo string being plucked.
  • If competing males ignore the warning calls, a defending male may splash, chase, or wrestle with his competitors.
  • Tadpoles spend the winter in the water and transform the following summer. The tadpoles may grow to about 6-8 cm long, but during transformation the froglets may end up smaller than they were as tadpoles.
Green frog

Description of call: Like the twang of a plucked banjo string or rubber band, "glunk"

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