Daily Facebook Live Schedule!
Follow the Toronto Zoo on Facebook @TheTorontoZoo and tune in daily at
1:00 pm to experience a live component with our Wildlife Care team. Enhanced content and stories to share!
Plus, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter for updates on how Zoo Keepers are caring for the Zoo’s 5000 animals during the closure.
Zoo School To You!
The Toronto Zoo is partnering with Explore By The Seat Of Your Pants to bring you Virtual learning LIVE every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 am.Parent Resources – Available For All Ages!
Fun home activities, lesson plans and worksheets to further your child’s understanding and connection to the animal kingdom.
Toronto Zoo’s Wild For Live Podcast Series
Wild For Life brings you behind-the-scenes and unveils the "hidden zoo”. Each episode brings you information on the critical conservation work that protects endangered species and works to preserve biodiversity. A new episode becomes available every other Wednesday where you will have the opportunity hear from wildlife care, nutritionists, ecologists, veterinarians, social scientists, wildlife biologists, and more that are working hard to help protect wildlife from all over the world.