Press Release
For Immediate Release
November 9th, 2005 |
For More Information
Cynthia Shipley
Supervisor, Public Relations
(416) 392-5938 |
November 9th, 2005, Toronto, Ontario: On September 22nd, 2005, a rare male West African dwarf crocodile hatched in the Zoo's Animal Health Unit. Proud parents are Montgomery and Cleo. The baby now joins his parents and two siblings born in 2004. The latest member of the Zoo family will most likely go on display within the next two months.
Although the hatchlings are quite small at birth - our male weighed 44 gms, they have the potential of reaching weights of 175 pounds (80 kg) with the female weighing a great deal less. Adult lengths are from 150 to 180 cm or five to six feet. The lifespan is from 50 to 100 years.
The Toronto Zoo has been very successful in breeding this species with over 30 having been born here, of which 20 survived.
As crocodiles go, this is a small-sized species. The body is heavily armoured. Adults are black in colour; juveniles are a lighter brown shade. The tip of the snout is turned up. The species lives in the rainforests of West Africa and West Central Africa.
Although parental care is limited time wise, the female does construct a well built nest and guards it until the young hatch. She then carries them to the water in her mouth. They stay with the mother for several weeks.