For Immediate Release For More Information,
Contact: Cynthia Shipley, Acting Marketing Manager
Toronto Zoo
(416) 392-5938

Our Giraffe Baby Has New Name.

November 9th, 2004, Toronto, Ontario: Today the Toronto Zoo officially announced our baby Masai giraffe boy's new name! The "Name the Baby Giraffe" contest, which was held from October 8th to October 31st, collected over 15,000 name entries through TVO Kids and the Toronto Zoo! These entries were then narrowed down to the top 5 names by the Toronto Zoo's giraffe naming panel, consisting of five Toronto Zoo kids and four Animal Care staff. The top five selected names were: "Bantu", "Kai", "Shylo", "Teeko" and "Tambua". These were posted on the TVOKids website from November 4th to the 8th for the kids to vote on their favourite name for our baby giraffe. And the winning name with 4,723 votes is "TEEKO" which means Great Spirit!

We were able to arrive at such a fabulous name for our baby giraffe TEEKO thanks to the 15,000 TVOKids kids across Ontario that voted on the name", says Marney Malabar, Series Producer for TVOKids. "This is an AMAZING response, and it shows how much the TVOKids kids are interested and care about the newest edition to the Giraffe Zoo Family!"

Born on September 11th, 2004, "TEEKO" is the 4th calf of Stripes (father) and Twiga (mother). The selection of a name has finally resolved their long-standing dilemma over what to call their baby. A total of 16 giraffes have been born here at the Toronto Zoo.

Almost everything about a giraffe seems exaggerated. Its height can range up to 6.1 metres, making it the world's tallest animal. Its gestation period is 420 to 450 days. Its heart (adult) weighs 11.5 kg. And Mom gives birth standing - meaning that the baby, which is approximately 2 metres tall, has a 1.6 metre drop to the ground!

In the wild, where they are still common, a giraffe can deliver a kick which will send a lion spinning. Giraffes are also at risk from man due to hunting and habitat destruction.

Make a point of stopping by the Africa Paddocks to see our delightful little giraffe boy, "TEEKO" browsing happily with Mom Twiga.